don’t make a film
in black and white
they’ll say you’re trying to be artsy
even though you were
only trying to hide the color of
your nicotine stained fingers
speaking of smoking, don’t do that either
or they’ll say you’re trying to be Bogart
even though it takes you a long time
to even remember who that is
don’t write “gritty” poetry
or they’ll call you Bukowski
even though you’re just a fan
and you critique him for writing
too much about the same stuff
and you know for sure he had some duds
like we all do
don’t do anything that involves you
or they’ll say you’re self absorbed
even though you’re left to wonder
who else you should be
don’t pay much attention to the attack
or you may stoop down onto the toilet
but defend yourself
oh yes, defend yourself
they’re beating you to a literary pulp
but it’s ok though
even if they do
you like a little
of that genre too